Week 2:
Elements of style presentations & blog:
Emryn: 4 &5
Ashlyn: 6&7
rewrite essay for a grade- if you complete by 5pm on Tuesday and give to someone to edit (Not me) I will give you 5 bonus points.
Any information I didn't makeup is cited in MLA format using Purdue owl in a Works Cited and In Text Citations
My paper is formatted in double space,12 point font, indented paragraphs, and correct heading
My paper has 5 paragraphs
My thesis statement contains the main points of my body paragraphs
Each body paragraph details one main point from my thesis
The conclusion restates the thesis and doesn't add 'new' information.
I have checked my paper for extra 'fluff' that doesn't add to the thesis.
I have checked my paper for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Particularly the COMMA RULES we have been learning.
I have read my paper out loud to someone else to catch my own mistakes.
My paper is ultimately persuasive. It is written to convince someone to go see a favorite musical.
You do not use 2nd person- I. E. don't use the word 'you' in your paper.
Here's a VERY general grading rubric
Another way of thinking about grades is like this:
A += this class might be too easy for you/ you nailed it.
A= excellent job- you followed all directions!
B= Still very good, mostly followed directions with a few minor mistakes
C= Followed some directions, took some wrong turns, still showed good effort and attempt at the correct form.
D= did not follow directions, but you did turn in a page of writing which appears to be your own work.
F= Plagiarized work, turned in a blank sheet of paper, or else grievously erred in some way which shows no effort.
Hope this helps! Best of luck!
ps- Teacher humor

Elements of style presentations & blog:
Emryn: 4 &5
Ashlyn: 6&7
rewrite essay for a grade- if you complete by 5pm on Tuesday and give to someone to edit (Not me) I will give you 5 bonus points.
Any information I didn't makeup is cited in MLA format using Purdue owl in a Works Cited and In Text Citations
My paper is formatted in double space,12 point font, indented paragraphs, and correct heading
My paper has 5 paragraphs
My thesis statement contains the main points of my body paragraphs
Each body paragraph details one main point from my thesis
The conclusion restates the thesis and doesn't add 'new' information.
I have checked my paper for extra 'fluff' that doesn't add to the thesis.
I have checked my paper for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Particularly the COMMA RULES we have been learning.
I have read my paper out loud to someone else to catch my own mistakes.
My paper is ultimately persuasive. It is written to convince someone to go see a favorite musical.
You do not use 2nd person- I. E. don't use the word 'you' in your paper.
Here's a VERY general grading rubric
Another way of thinking about grades is like this:
A += this class might be too easy for you/ you nailed it.
A= excellent job- you followed all directions!
B= Still very good, mostly followed directions with a few minor mistakes
C= Followed some directions, took some wrong turns, still showed good effort and attempt at the correct form.
D= did not follow directions, but you did turn in a page of writing which appears to be your own work.
F= Plagiarized work, turned in a blank sheet of paper, or else grievously erred in some way which shows no effort.
Hope this helps! Best of luck!
ps- Teacher humor

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