Feb 21th Week

This week
1. Read the 'role of the scholar' 3 times, and write your annotations: http://www.johnsonessays.com/the-adventurer/no-85-study-composition-and-converse-equally-necessary-to-intellectual-accomplishment/

2. turn in a one page response to reading "The Role of the Scholar", tell me a brief summary of the argument and tell me if you agreed with it and what you thought about it. This can be in formal and in first person, but make sure it is thoughtful. Bonus if you can identify any of the literary devices we have learned this week in his essay.

3. blog:

     A. Define your assigned terms
     B. write a creative paragraph describing one object in your room, using the FOUR literary devices
       from this week. Make sure you BOLD the sentences which contain these literary devices
