Metaphors and analogy

Metaphors and analogy

A metaphor is when to take a word or phrase and apply it to an object.
An analogy is when you compare two or more things that are similar.

The Pink Pom Pom

This pink pom pom is like a fluffy cloud, and as soft as a furry pigmeypuff. It is brighter than the sun, which makes my eyes burn. When I drop it, it bounces like a child jumping rope. If it could talk, it chatters  like a gurgling brook. If a pom pom were an animal, it would be fat, fuzzy, and rather large in size. it would lure its prey with its big black eyes that reflect the milky way, and then, when its prey was close enough, it would show its long fangs, and pounce. Its big black eyes that reflect the milky way would be the last thing you would see.
